Wednesday, June 20, 2007


For this assignment, I decided to target someone on the subway. It was hard to get a clear picture but I took a few shots in their general vicinity. After I chose my elderly gentleman... I followed him off (conveniently) at the Cipro stop and up the street. He then turned the corner towards the residence and briefly stopped at the hardware store. While he was in the store I quickly ran up the street so I could get a picture of him from the front. I then waited until he passed me and ended my "follow" when he entered my favorite bar.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I thought that this assignment was very interesting because we aren't used to getting led by anyone but ourselves. Typically we have a destination in mind, and even if we are to become lost in the process, reaching the destination is always the intention. I've found that even when I travel I often take the lead and do not like to follow. I like to have a purpose in mind and always have somewhere to go. Additionally, I love way-finding and feel as if I have a new found interest with map reading... This exercise was similar to the others in that it forced you to think about time and place, relative to your loss of control.

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